Safeguarding Children
Public Commitment to Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable People
Our goal is that every person who enters Goodlife is welcome and safe. Special attention is given to the care and protection of vulnerable people through the promotion of safety, stringent requirements for volunteers and employees as well as constant monitoring and feedback.
Below is a link to our strategy, a culmination of policy, procedure and guiding principles that fulfil the obligations of the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 and reflect findings form the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Raising Concerns
Goodlife is committed to creating a safe space. We welcome the report of any suspicion, allegation, disclosure or complaint of misconduct or abuse occur.
If you as a parent or carer have any concerns or observe any inappropriate conduct, please let us know by contacting us via the form at the bottom of this page. We will offer support and guidance in recording the reporting process, see pages 18 - 28 of our strategy for further information.
It is important to note that under the provisions of the Queensland government, it is an offence not to report a belief (including disclosure or suspicion) of an offence of a sexual nature committed in relation to a child. The Act requires the report be made to the police as soon as reasonably practicable after the belief is (or ought reasonably to have been) formed, that the offence has been committed.
Primary – Kylie Fenech, Child Safe Coordinator
Secondary – Mike Hardie or Stephen Jeffs
Message us any concerns.
Your message and details will be sent to the Safe Ministry Contacts above. All concerns raised are confidential. (Please note that while all concerns are taken seriously, any response would be hampered if you choose not to supply your email address or contact details).