Global Impact
We are commited to intentional kindness and restorative justice.
Members of the Goodlife family have gone out all over the world to support, teach, aid, protect, reconcile and heal. Many different tasks. Many different lands. Many different languages and lifestyles. But all with one heart. To love as we have been loved, to serve as we have been served, to bless as we have been blessed.
You can be involved too… Be informed, get connected, communicate, support, pray!
Yangon, Myanmar
With Timothy, Rosie & Jessie
Va Bi studied at The Pines Training Centre in 2001, which inspired him to begin the Church Planting Institute (CPI) Bible School to train and equip evangelists and church planters, located in Yangon, Myanmar.
His church, Peoples Evangelical Church (PEC) currently has 100 associate church planters throughout Myanmar evangelising the over 90% Buddhist population.
Va’s ministry extends to running a children’s home with 40 children who transfer to Yangon from remote areas to attend schooling, running a widows centre and running pre-school to reach the local community.
CPI runs one and four year theology courses with an average of 40 students every year.
In 2017 Levi went to Germany to learn how to reach the global youth culture, at Steiger mission school . He was so inspired and encouraged that he volunteered with Steiger in the mission schools during 2018 & 2019. In 2020 he moved to Lisbon, Portugal where he now serves with his wife Bianca as a city team leaders, reaching young people in the city and encouraging the local churches to transform the youth culture in their city.
Steiger is a worldwide mission organization called to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. They are active in over 100 cities and bridge the gap between the Church and the Global Youth Culture by establishing Steiger City Teams. A Steiger City Team is a catalytic force for engaging secularized culture with four key objectives: 1. Equip and unify the local church to efectively reach young people of their communities 2. Raise up the next generation of Christian leaders and infuencers 3. Transform the culture by being relationally present and engaging in bold, creative evangelism in the secular scene 4. Multiply the impact by fostering a culture of “disciples who make disciples, who make disciples”
If you would like to stay in contact with Levi and Bianca or receive their newsletters you can email them.
Bundaberg, QLD
In 1990, Roy, and his beloved wife Janet and their five children moved to Australia from the Solomon Islands. After a short time in Chinchilla, Roy and his family moved to the Sunshine Coast, and became involved with Southern Cross Ministries and Goodlife Church.
Roy and Janet are passionate about prayer and the impact prayer makes for God's revival work in Australia. Roy regularly brings teams of South Sea Island intercessors to Australia to pray for revival in Australia and the world. This has seen them start New Life Melanesia church in Buderim, which focuses on outreach to the Melanesian people in South-East Queensland, and intercessory prayer. He is also actively involved in the annual “Awakening of the Nations” conference held in the Australia/Pacific region.
South Africa & USA
Jeremy & Bridget Hilliard with Cayden, Ashton & Tristan
The Hilliard family oversee an NGO doing ministry in the townships around Cape Town, South Africa. These areas are home to millions of people struggling to survive in the impoverished shanty towns. Their focus is to enable and equip the poor and marginalised to discover their full potential.
This is done through empowerment in the areas of Social Development, Economic Empowerment and Spiritual Formation. To facilitate this they launched a non-profit a number of years ago called Hope Africa Collective.
They work holistically to bring about individual development that can lead to family and community transformation. They are dedicated to working with Africa's most vulnerable people, applying Christian principles to strategic development efforts as they seek to overcome poverty, suffering and injustice with children, families and communities.
This season sees the Hilliard’s also spending time in the USA getting further global partners involved in the team effort to see the lives of these South African communities changed forever.
Bali, Indonesia
Merv and Yenny work with Youth with a Mission as itinerant teachers and mentors in training centres (mainly in Indonesia and Australia) training in missions and discipleship. They carry an eldership role in the YWAM training centres in Bali and Australia and lead the Sunshine Coast School of Missions - a 22 week full time course training workers for pioneer missions.
Merv has been in full time missions for 40+ years in Asia and Australia while Yenny gave up her career in Indonesia as a Vet to work in Lebanon for five years before joining (and marrying) Merv in Indonesia in 2016. Locally they are engaged in work with refugee and migrant areas of South East Queensland.
Eastern Europe
Grethe lived with her husband Andrew in Eastern Europe from 2004 to 2012 where their main purpose was bringing reconciliation between the Christian Pastors and Leaders of the States of former Yugoslavia.
Grethe had felt on her heart before she left Australia to start a conference for women in that region. When they arrived they found that women were very oppressed and there was nothing in the churches specifically for women.
While God was using the Reconciliation Gathering powerfully to write a new chapter for His Church in the Balkans region, Grethe organised the first "Daughters of the King" (DOK) conference in 2007 which became an annual event.
Daughters of the King has had a profound impact amongst women in the Balkans over the ensuing years expanding to encompass mini conferences in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia and annual events in Bulgaria and Myanmar.
Recently, with overseas travel suspended, Grethe has supported local women who are stepping up to lead and she has expanded Daughters of the King through online ministry so that, at the beginning of 2021, there were over 4000 followers from 79 different nations.
Mountain Creek SHS
Stu and Tania are Chaplains at Mountain Creek State High School, where there are over 2200 students and 220 staff. As Scripture Union ‘chappies’ they provide spiritual and emotional support to the school community; helping students find a way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown and loneliness, to bullying and conflict resolution.
Stu and Tania are involved in a wide range of proactive programs and responsive support including: breakfast and lunch programs, leadership training, personal growth, social skilling, driving skills, art &equine therapy. They provide listening ears and a caring presence to students facing issues such as peer relationships, body image, self-esteem, and mental health challenges of anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide.
Stu has been at the Creek since 2006 and Tania since 2019. They have a heart for young people to live life to the full and have many opportunities to introduce students to the one who came that they may have this full life, Jesus. They work regularly to involve volunteers from local faith communities in the work of Chaplaincy. If you are interested in volunteering or supporting their work, contact them for more information via the form below.